Tony Chen


My name is Tony Chen…

and I’m part of two non-profit. The first non-profit I’m one of the  founding member and we help families and children in our community ranging from donating  school supplies, scholarship, grants and hosting events / fundraising. We also mentor local high school students and have the students get involved with local service projects.

The other non-profit I’m part of, help the low income families and the homeless in the Grater Los Angeles area. Once a month we would have picnic in the park and serve anywhere from 250 to 400 hot meal, around 1,000 article of clothing to give away, grooming services and pet services. 

 Been asked why I’m so involved in community service and mentoring? Being raised by a single parent, my mom raised 4 children all by herself and with government aide she did the best she  could with what little we had. Most importantly she keep us together and we had each other. She had nothing but gave everything to her children. For that thank her and she is the reason why I am who I am. For me, I would like to be the person I needed when I was younger, that is why I give back to the community and mentor others.